Amongst the chaos that is sorting out our spaces and our lives to accommodate working from home, assessing your home insurance has probably not been top of mind. However, taking a second look at your homeowners insurance policy will ensure that you’re protected with the coverage you need during the work from home era.
How is Your Homeowner Insurance Affected?
What types of business items are now in your home? Business laptops, computers and other equipment are not only essential to get your job done, they are costly items that might not be covered by your homeowners insurance. That is because home insurance is different from business property insurance. A standard homeowners policy often includes little or no coverage for business property.
If your homeowners insurance policy does provide limited coverage for business property that is stored in your home, you will want to check if the coverage limits are high enough to protect your entire investment.
Covering Your Business Property
To make sure you have protection for business property in the event of theft or damage while working from home, it could be a smart choice to purchase additional coverage. There are a few options to consider depending on your individual needs.
Full-time Work from Home
If you’re a full-time work from home employee of a business, check with your supervisor to make sure that the company’s business property insurance covers the business items that are in your home. If it doesn’t protect these items, you’ll want to consider your options for additional coverage.
Independent Contractor/Freelancer
If you are an independent contractor or a freelancer, you are responsible for ensuring that you have sufficient coverage for your business items. While your business is home-based, your equipment and other business items may not be under the umbrella of coverage offered by your homeowners insurance or apartment insurance. Business property insurance or additional coverage will help you protect your investment.
Contact Williams & Case
Want to know more about the different options for protecting your business items at home? Our experts are Williams & Case Insurance Agency are here to help! Contact us today to learn more about insurance coverage for business items or to get a quote.